Wednesday, July 06, 2005

NB: Heliotrope

So. Not quite end game, but getting there. We had our most recent Essay workshop on Tuesday and Sakai warned of us of burnout. Now, Sakai is pretty hard-nosed, so if he warns me to throttle back, I listen.

Not to worry, though, because it is happening kind of naturally. I coasted most of last week, and was very productive over the long weekend. I'm trying to listen to myself and work when I'm feeling it, and ease up when it's needed, or switch topics/tasks.

I've started thinking about what I want to bring with me to California, what do I want to wear to the Bar, etc. Today, I auditioned a pair of pants, and they passed! I'm trying to figure out what I want to eat. I have trouble eating when I'm nervous, but not eating is not an option. How sweet is this? One of my BarBri friends is staying in the same hotel, and her mom is coming and acting as her "second in command" - making her meals, etc. BarBri friend offered to have her mom make my meals too, which I thought was really nice of her, but I didn't take her up on it. She talked to her mom last night and mentioned that I'm staying in the same hotel, and her mom offered to make my meals. What a sweet family, eh?

I want to get through the materials, have time to "power up" on all the rules....and hit the Bar feeling sharp and fresh. It's that last one that may be hard.

But for now, I'm just hanging out in the water, sitting on my board with my feet dangling and watching the waves. When I see one I like, I paddle and ride it into shore, but sometimes it's just counting waves and feeling the sun on my back and the saltwater drying in my hair.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I need to audition some pants.