Thursday, December 01, 2005

Get Right with Me

Today is *picture day* here at work. Yes, that's right - the day that puts your face on the interwebs, for all and sundry to mock...I mean, size up your legal prowess with a glance. Because I'm such a rockstar, I had planned to have my hair "done" today. Go me! The salon called to say that my stylist had called in sick. Not go me! They offered to have someone else do it, but I said non, merci. I have a long history of people doing my hair and being just pleased as punch at the results, while I'm on the verge of tears. I have a lot of hair, and this seems to excite a certain percentage of the hairstyling community. I end up with what I call Lionness tm hair. Not so much.

Being a "go-getter", I took matters into my own hands - literally. I headed to the washroom with scissors in hand and trimmed my own bangs. (And took the clippings away in the napkin I had set up for the purpose - screw off, would-be voodoo practioners!) The photogs were super-nice and funny, and I ended up with pics where I did not have my copywritten (so don't copy me) Take the Damn Picture Smile ©. Success!

Today is incredibly, incredibly busy. Actually, let me just say today through about New Year's is incredibly, incredibly busy. This week's coming attractions:

  • More volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club. We are helping some of the kids with their applications to private high schools (with scholarships.) This could make such a huge impact on the students' lives - I'm really psyched about being involved.
  • Happy Hour(ish) tomorrow up in the city. (If you're in the Bay area, and you want an invite - email me.)
  • Bollywood in Berkeley with "ma girls" on Saturday
  • Koffee Klatch with BarBlawgers on Sunday
  • Swearing in to the California Bar

There have been months, and months of angst (tearful and otherwise), so I just want it noted: I'm deeply happy right now. So much of life seems to be complaining; it's nearly impolite to talk about feeling joyful. That ain't right to me - I'm happy and I know it (as the song says.)

P.S. - The pic is a "self-portrait" gone wrong from last New Year's eve in Lisbon - it sums up my current emotional state. :)


Heather said...

I'm a little confused - I can't find information for the swearing in ceremonies anywhere on the calbar website. How do you know where they are? (I know we can do it by ourselves, but I just want to see if there's going to be one around VTA when I'm home...)

maisnon said...

Yeah, CalBar doesn't seem to have the info on their site. I'd check the stuff that came in "The Letter." I'd also look at the websites for local lawschools and bar assocations.

Roonie said...

Happiness is a warm gun.

What does that even mean? Guns aren't good, but warmth is. You tell me. You're happy girl ;)

GG said...

Yay!!! :)