Sunday, July 02, 2006

Note to self:

Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency is crack. I'm getting stupider by the second, but I can't stop.


Glib Gurl said...

I am SO sad that I don't have Oxygen because I love Janice! Pretty much all of those shows are crack, though, aren't they? *shrug*

Roonie said...

Those photos of her are just about as airbrushed and retouched as they come!

Heather said...

Omg, I've been tivoing that but haven't had the compunction to start yet. I think it'll have to be a rainy-weekend-day marathon.

maisnon said...

The show is ridiculous (no real surprise, there.) But it makes you ridiculous too: at one point, she has her head about 1 foot away from a male model's undie-clad ass and she orders him to "make them dance" - and he does! And it strikes me as funny, not not as sexual harassment/inappropriate behavior!!

Not coo'!