Thursday, March 01, 2007


(or The Post Where I Turn into my Mother ..... AGAIN)

Dudes, I am not dealing well with O.P.P. (other people's pregnancy.) TBF is 8 mos pregnant and on bedrest. This means, ideally, she is up for 2 hours, and then rests for four hours. Repeat. TBF has two settings: 0 and 90 mph. She has no "slow and steady wins the race" mode. This bedrest thing - so hard for her.

So, I've been trying to be a good friend and call her a couple of times a day, just to check in. I gave her a call, and didn't get her. Strange, left her a message. And called a few hours later. And still didn't get her. And left a message. And called later. And left a message.

I've become my mother. My mom pulled this on me a couple of weeks ago. She called a few times, and I was really slammed with work and couldn't back to her. The refractory period between phone calls shortened. When I managed to talk to her, she told me that she had concoted some kind of "fallen and can't get up" scenario for me: that I was sick and in bed ... and alone ... and with no one to take care of me ... and couldn't get to the phone to call for help.


And I did that today with TBF. All kinds of worrying, all kinds of fearing the worst, but trying to be all rational and shit. (Humor me and tell me I had good reason.)

TBF called me - everything is FINE. She just had a number of doctor appointments. She saw my three missed calls and knew she'd best get to dialing, because I have never called that much.

Sigh. Like I said, I'm not down with O.P.P.

Also, my boyfriend on my other boyfriend's show. It's just too much.


Anonymous said...

That Gyllenhall interview was too much. The little zinger at the end was also so worth tuning into the entirety of the interview. Too bad Zodiac is too scary of a movie for me!

Anonymous said...


maisnon said...

I know - that interview made me love them both just a little bit more!!