Monday, March 05, 2007

where soul meets body

I spent Saturday in one of my favorite ways: a more-or-less unstructured hanging out with someone who genuinely entertains me. I was walking home from getting new keys cut when Hesse swooped by and picked me up - my knight in white shining Saab. As I was still "gym fabulous", I made him promise we weren't meeting other people. He said, "Of course not! We just have to pick up these two people..." Nice. The day meandered on, including stops in downtown Mountain View (for Indian Chinese food and Gelato Classico), Kepler's, the public library.

And then, off to the city to meet up with brimful for some Clive Owen (i.e. Children of Men). Before the movie even started, we had an adventure - scooting around the new Westfield Center in search of Beard Papa. We finally found him, secured some cream puffs and made it to the theater on time. (How many times do you think I said, "I love it when you call me Beard Papa..." ? But, at least I managed to only say it in my head!)

(I enjoyed the movie, but I feel like I'm still ... processing it.)

Picking b up, there was a wonderfully surreal moment. Hesse was on his cellphone speaking to his friend, I was on my phone letting b know that we were arriving, and some desi girl on the corner was on her phone, yet mouthing at us to "LOOK. AT. THE. MOON!" (which was gorgeous.) Hesse, having never met b, asked me if that was her And I tried to respond. Which of course confused our co-conversants on their cellphones.

Sunday - the baby shower. That also went off just as I would have liked it - low key (NO SHOWER GAMES!), small group of ridiculously amazing women, and good food. The guest of honor (besides TBF) was TBF's mom - all the way from snowy Toronto! I haven't seen her in two years - she gave me a big hug and said, "OH! I forgot how tall you are!!"

I want another day of weekend. The weather was gorgeous, and I spent as much time as I could soaking it up, but I want more. I want to cat nap on my balcony, fall asleep in my little sunny spot.


Anonymous said...

I like that you call him Hesse. ;)

Apparently, we missed the lunar eclipse.b

Anonymous said...

I still have dreams about that film and I saw it like a month ago.


Also, I feel better knowing I am not the only person who missed the eclipse. There will be another one in August. :)

Anonymous said...

Your comment about TBF's mom saying you're tall reminds me how short TBF is!