Wednesday, June 13, 2007

afternoon delight

I knew just what I looked like: sneaking up the backstairs into the office, wet hair escaping its bun, a flush to my cheeks. I even got the raised eyebrow and smirk from the secretary I encountered on my way back to my office.

If only! But, in all honesty, my afternoon hijinks were a pretty close second. I had a swimming lesson at my local neighborhood pool. My pool is INCREDIBLE! It's recently been re-done, and is gorgeous and clean. When I slipped into it, and dunked my head under, I came up thinking, "whoah - salty!" And then I realized - no chlorine smell!!!! Yup, the pool is salt water. No chlorine. I spent an hour in a pool without getting red eyes, feeling like my skin was going to flake off, etc. etc. And it makes you more buoyant (i.e. it makes it easier to swim.)

I bitch about my schedule sometimes (and I will bitch in the future, I'm sure), but I got an hour in the sun on a day when it finally, finally feels like summer. It's a good day.


Oni said...

salt water pool = pure genius. i need to find one!

Anonymous said...

That sounds absolutely wonderful, and better than what the secretaries thought, if you ask me.