Wednesday, March 12, 2008

in absentia

I've stuck to the blogging rule that nothing is more boring than being all meta and writing about blogging. And yet, I've violated that rule often. And I'm doing so again. I took a solid break from blogging for a number of reasons, some of which I can't talk about. (Yes, this is a reference to my alterna-life as a superspy.)

But, I've been missing it. I've had these moments, thoughts, experiences and wanted to share them. I've written a dozen blogposts in my mind. I've taken photographs and thought about how they could help me tell a story. But, the longer you stay away the weirder and more daunting it seems to come back, to start again.

I missed the friendships I've made through blogging. Three years later, many of my original readers (and the writers of the OG blogs I followed) are still my v. good friends. I think that golden age of blog friendships may be over, but I'd like to think that type of connection is still possible. I miss the small thrill of getting comments. I miss a lot of things.

That is all to say... I'm back, bitchez!


tamasha said...

How sad is it that I knew immediately what the video was from the blurry screenshot?

This song is brilliant, btw.

maisnon said...

tamasha: but see, that's EXACTLY the shit I've been missing!

Anonymous said...

I knew from the first 2 notes. I don't think I've ever seen the video before...

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm just a lurker and we've never met but I missed your blogging and I'm glad that you're back.