Tuesday, May 08, 2007


In April, I surreptiously set myself a goal: blog every day. In May, I went public (well, blog-public) with my goal of doing 30 minutes of cardio every day. (So far, so good - by the way.) I am enjoying this incremental approach to change. Maybe oddly - it's much easier for me to do something every day than it is for me to do it three times a week.

I've started reading a lot of "personal development"/"life coaching" type blogs. Recently, I came across a post on zen habits that very much describes my new approach to incorporating good/better habits into my life.

I've taken it to heart, and I'm setting monthly goals: small things I can do every day, habits my "ideal self" would have. For example, my goal in January is to start taking a photograph a day. I really enjoy snapping shots, and I think the discipline of taking a photo a day would up my skeelz. August's goal is to start a medititation practice. I have no goal in December because that time is crazy enough - I need a month to just maintain.

I have one month "open" on the Calendar of Habits. So, I turn it over to you - what habits would you like to incorporate into your life?


wt said...


Anonymous said...

daily orgasms

Anonymous said...

sorry i pressed enter to fast....

Anonymous said...

getting enough sleep. waking up early. working out in the morning. weekly laundry. keeping up with email. 15 minutes of tidying everday. etc. le sigh.